Build a Web Application to Chat With Your Facebook Page Users
Published on January 13, 2022

Post has been updated to use JavaScript Client SDK version 8.3.0 that can now handle outgoing messages.


The Messages API is being integrated into the Client SDK. This will provide a straightforward method where your customers, via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Viber, and more, can communicate with an application you create.

By the end of this blog post, you’ll have a web application capable of sending and receiving messages from your Facebook page and your page’s Messenger. Sample code will be provided and the relevant parts to the Messages API integration will be explained.

Create a Facebook page

Log into Facebook and create a Test Facebook page. You can also test with a page that already exists.

Set up the sample web application

Make your copy of the sample web application by remixing this Glitch. To get your application set up, follow the steps in the readme file. The sample application follows the scenario of an agent signing into a dashboard, with current conversations between Facebook page customers and the agent. On the left side is where all the conversations are happening, and the agent can join one.

The agent's dashboard with all conversations in a column. Join buttons are on the left in a gray box. The rest of the page is space for conversations the agent is already a part of with an open link for each.Sample application's agent dashboard

When the agent clicks a conversation, a chat application with the Facebook User will open in a new window. The chat application is based on the one created in the Creating a chat app tutorial.

Screenshot of a chat room where the Agent and Facebook user are having a conversation.Chat application demo

All that is left of the setup is to connect your Facebook page to the web application so they can communicate back and forth. Here are the steps:

  • Log into the Vonage Dashboard

  • Under “Messages and Dispatch” click “Social channels”

Screen shot of Messages and Dispatch menu with submenu of Sandbox and Social channelsVonage Dashboard Messages and Dispatch menu

  • On the “Social channels” page, click Facebook Messenger

Screen shot showing the options in the Social channels section of the Vonage Dashboard, WhatsApp, Viber, and Facebook MessengerVonage Dashboard Social channels section

  • Follow the steps to connect your Facebook page to your Vonage Account

Screen shot of steps to connect a Facebook PageConnect Facebook Page

  • Select the Facebook page(s) to connect to Vonage

Screen shot of a Facebook Page selectorSelect a Facebook Page

  • Verify you are using the correct Facebook account

Screen shot of a confirmation popup to continue as a userContinue as user

  • Review the permissions granted to Vonage

Screen shot of the list of permissions that can be granted to VonageAsk for permissions

  • Confirmation that Vonage was able to be successfully linked

Confirmation of Facebook Page being successfully linkedConfirmation of Facebook Page being successfully linked

  • Select a Facebook page that was linked to Vonage and complete the setup

Screen shot of Connect Facebook Page where the page can be selected.Select your Facebook Business Page

  • Congratulations, your Facebook page was successfully connected

Screen shot of Social Channels section of Vonage Dashboard with a success alert.Confirmation that Facebook Business page was successfully connected

  • Now that Vonage knows about your Facebook page, let’s connect to your Vonage application that was created when you set up the sample with Glitch. Either click “Link to an application” or go to the Applications section of the dashboard.

Screen shot of Your applications section of the Vonage dashboardYour applications

  • Select the application you created when setting up the Glitch sample and then click “Link”.

Screen shot of Application details page with the Facebook page listedApplication details

Screen shot of Application details page with the Facebook page linked to the applicationApplication details with Facebook page linked

Try it out

Place the web application in one browser window and open Facebook Messenger in another and login if necessary. If you haven't already, enter a name in the web application to enter the dashboard. Think of this as your name or an agent's name, it's just a simple way to "log in". Now, in Messenger, find the Facebook Page you linked to the application and send a message. In the window with your web application, a little card should appear in the "All Conversations" section. Click join, a chat application will open up, and you should see the message in the chat. Send a message from the chat application, and it should appear in your Facebook Messenger.

What’s Happening

Let’s take a look at the code involved to make the above happen. When a user sends a message to your Facebook page, it gets sent by Vonage to your web application’s inbound webhook. The webhook returns an object that lets Vonage know how to handle the message. In this case, we are sending back information the Client SDK Messages API Integration needs to connect the Facebook User with your web application to have a conversation. This includes the Facebook User’s id and the conversation name (which we set as the Facebook User’s id so that it’s unique).

// server.js"/webhooks/inbound", (request, response) => {
  // By responding to the inbound message callback with this action you add -
  // the message to a conversation so the agent client side will be notified about it
      action: "message",
      // Creating a new conversation for every NEW incoming user.
      // Messages from the same user will be tagged to the same conversation
      conversation_name: request.body.from,
      user: request.body.from,
      geo: "region-code",

If this is the first time the Facebook User sends a message, a new conversation is created. This emits a conversation:created event that we listen for on the events webhook. The web application’s backend takes this event and repackages it as a custom event, custom:new_conv, that can be used to notify the agent’s dashboard to display the new conversation.

// server.js"/webhooks/rtcevent", (request, response) => {
  // If Facebook user is new, a new conversation should be created, so listen for it here 
  // and then send the custom event to the Agents Conversation
  if (request.body.type === "conversation:created"){, {
      "type": "custom:new_conv",
      "from": "system",
      "body": request.body
    (error, result) => {
      if (error) {
      } else {
  response.status(200).send({code:200, status: 'got rtcevent request'});

In the code for the chat application, there is a message event listener that fires when a message is received from the Facebook User. It then takes the message and adds it to the chat display.

// public/chat.js
// Adding here in the on. means that we're filtering events to only the ones regarding this conversation. (it's called grouping)
conversation.on('message',, (from, event) => {
  console.log('message-received sender: ', from);
  console.log('message-reveived event: ', event);
  const formattedMessage = formatMessage(from, event,;
  // Update UI
  messageFeed.innerHTML = messageFeed.innerHTML + formattedMessage;
  messagesCountSpan.textContent = messagesCount;

When the agent responds to the Facebook User, that is an outbound message. The Client SDK has a sendMessage method with a "message_type": "text" to send the agent's message. With that, Vonage takes care of everything required to get the message to the Facebook User.

// public/chat.js
// Listen for clicks on the submit button and send the existing text value
sendButton.addEventListener('click', async () => {
    "message_type": "text",
    "text": messageTextarea.value
  }).then((event) => {
    console.log("message was sent", event);
    console.error("error sending the message ", error);
  messageTextarea.value = '';

To add a little more personalization, we display the Facebook Page's name at the top of the chat. To get this, a request is made to the server's getChatAppAccounts endpoint which makes a call to Vonage's chatapp-accounts API with an admin JWT. The Facebook Page's name is in the response, which we send back to the client.

Small Gotcha

If your outbound messages stop working all of a sudden, check your server log for any errors. If you come across an error that has this:

status: 'rejected',
error: { reason: 'Expired access Token', code: 1370 }

That means your Facebook Page token has expired and will need to be refreshed. Log into the Vonage dashboard and go to Messages and Dispatch, then Social Channels. A button should be next to your Facebook Page to refresh your token.


That’s it! With the Messages API integrated into the Client SDK, it is a lot easier to communicate with a Facebook User from your own web application.

Next Steps

Please have a look at our Client SDK documentation. There’s more information on the methods used to create the Agent Dashboard, along with Tutorials, Guides, and more. Ran into any issues with the demo application? Looking to add new functionality? Any questions, comments, and/or feedback, please let us know in our Community Slack Channel.

Dwane HemmingsJavaScript Developer Advocate

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