Clarisse Ng Joins the Vonage Developer Relations Team
Published on May 4, 2021

Hello Everyone, I'm Clarisse. I am excited to join the Developer Relations team as a Developer Community Manager in APAC.

I live in Singapore, a sunny island, or some say "the little red dot" in Asia. I was born and raised in Singapore, a beautiful multi-cultural and multi-racial country. I speak English, Chinese and some dialects, Teochew and Hokkien.

My background is mainly in marketing and community development. I started as a marketer in hardware and retail companies focusing on marketing communications, advertising & promotions and events marketing. Mid-way in my career, I had the opportunity to work in Microsoft to build the developer and IT professional community in Singapore. That is where I first ran startup weekends, hackathons, and organising seminars and hands-on labs for the community. I enjoyed my time planning activities for the community as I get to put my marketing skills and experience into good use. I then went on to identify and work with tech influencers by supporting their efforts to contribute back to the community in Southeast Asia. My passion in community development grew, and I moved on to build the startup community through a local investment firm and later on in the events industry.

I enjoy working with the tech community to build ideas and solutions that they are passionate about, especially in areas that help to solve world's problems such as sustainability, disaster relief, eldercare, and education for children.

When I am not working, I like to spend my time doing yoga, challenging myself to pose most elegantly without shaking. I also enjoy baking bread and volunteering with the Red Cross to visit and take care of the elderly in the neighbourhood. My weekends are mostly spent having fun with my cheeky and lovely nephews where we draw and play hide and seek, chasing each other around the house.

Clarisse NgGlobal Community Manager

Clarisse is a community manager who enjoys doing yoga, baking and creating activities to help others develop their products/solutions through the use of technology

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